Today is Joshua's 4 week birthday! Time has just flown by! I don't have a weight this week cause we haven't been to the doctor. We won't be going back to the doctor until October 8 barring any emergency visits.
Joshua is definitely getting bigger but I think his weight gain has slowed down considerably, thank goodness. He's gotten longer though. Some of his newborn clothes are a little short so we've incorporated the 0-3 months sized clothes into his wardrobe. Those clothes are a little big, but probably not for long.
He's still not sleeping much at night. He's kind of fallen into the routine of being awake in the evening and fussy until around 10:30 or 11 at which point he goes to sleep for about 3 hours. After that he's back onto his every two hour schedule. He seems to be having his longer sleep periods during the day. I try to nap during those times, but it's hard sometimes cause I also have to find time to eat and pick up the house a little bit. I've been putting him in my sling and wearing him around the house while doing the housework and that's been helpful in getting things done.
Joshua is definitely getting bigger but I think his weight gain has slowed down considerably, thank goodness. He's gotten longer though. Some of his newborn clothes are a little short so we've incorporated the 0-3 months sized clothes into his wardrobe. Those clothes are a little big, but probably not for long.
He's still not sleeping much at night. He's kind of fallen into the routine of being awake in the evening and fussy until around 10:30 or 11 at which point he goes to sleep for about 3 hours. After that he's back onto his every two hour schedule. He seems to be having his longer sleep periods during the day. I try to nap during those times, but it's hard sometimes cause I also have to find time to eat and pick up the house a little bit. I've been putting him in my sling and wearing him around the house while doing the housework and that's been helpful in getting things done.

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