Wednesday, May 13, 2009

9 months

Joshua is now 9 months old! He has been pulling himself up onto his knees all the time. He doesn't ever just want to sit still and play. He still hasn't really gotten the hang of crawling, but give him enough time and he will get from point A to point B.He fell asleep in his chair one night while I was making dinner. I took some pictures because I couldn't believe it. This baby doesn't ever want to sleep yet he fell asleep sitting up!
Speaking of sleep, he's doing slightly better than last month. Some nights he wakes up once, other nights, like last night, we wakes up 4 times. There is no consistency. I have been going to bed at 9:30 since I don't ever know how the night is going to go. When I go into his room in the night I find that he has rolled over onto his tummy and is up on his knees. I'm not sure why he's crying though since he's not stuck in that position.

Joshua loves the computer, especially the keyboard. He lunges for it if it is in sight. He also likes to eat cell phones and remote controls. He now has two teeth. The first one, as you know, came through on April 18th and the second one followed on the 22nd. No others have come through yet. I took a picture on the 22nd - it's kind of blurry but you can sort of see his teeth.
He so wants to be like us. He loves to eat food and tries to feed himself. He also likes to drink from cups though, as you can see from the wet shirt in the picture, he hasn't yet mastered it.
He has started to put his arms out when he wants to be picked up. He also waves sometimes though it's not really directed at anyone.

For Mother's Day we went to breakfast. Then we spent the afternoon outside. We got him a little pool and he played in it two afternoons. He seemed to enjoy it. He loves the water.
And here are a few more pictures just because.

1 comment:

The Hunter Family said...

He is so big and active! I LOVE the picture of him asleep in his chair...that is too funny! They grow up entirely too fast don't they???

Thanks for sharing and for posting all the great pictures.