In other news, he has become super squirmy making it hard to change his diaper. He kind of scoots himself around in a circle when on his tummy. He hasn't figured out to get his knees under him to crawl, but he's definitely thinking about how to get around. I think he's also thinking about how to get himself to standing. I see him with his hands on the side of his crib, but he hasn't figured out how to get his feet underneath him. Soon, very soon. He is also a great sitter now. He still tumbles every now and then, but mostly, he just sits. And he can go from sitting to laying on his tummy, no problem.
He still has no teeth. And he doesn't seem to be teething (at this moment, any way!). He's enjoying more solids now. He eats sweet potatoes, squash, peas, green beans, apples, peaches, carrots, bananas every now and then, rice cereal, baby oatmeal, and chicken. This time around, eating solids is going much better. I have tried chopping up some cooked carrots into little pieces for him, but mostly those just stay in his mouth until I take them out. He tries, and we'll continue trying with more solid solids.

1 comment:
I do hope he starts sleeping for you...that is miserable. Ezra doesn't sleep through the night yet either. He does on occasion but mostly will wake once. I feel your pain. :-)
Adorable pictures...I esp. love the ones in the swing.
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