Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hiccups among other things

I'm pretty sure the baby has hiccups regularly. I know it doesn't bother him the way it bothers adults to have hiccups, but it's a rather strange sensation from my end. Sometimes it's just like feeling my heart racing in my chest only slower and not in my chest and other times the hiccups can actually be felt (and probably seen) from the outside.

We've now been to 3 childbirth prep classes. Last night we had to practice different positions for labor and contractions. We were supposed to include the different breathing techniques including making audible noise. It's hard to take it seriously with all these other couples around. Oh well, it's still good to get the information.

Today makes 32 weeks. Only 8 weeks to go.

1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Aidan had the hiccups all the time when I was pregnant with him - often several times a day. It was so strange, but you start to get used to it (if you're not already).
I'm glad to hear things are going well for you!