Wednesday, July 22, 2009

11 months (and a few days)

Less than one month until Joshua is a year old! Time has sure flown by. It's amazing to me how quickly he has gone from being a tiny little infant who couldn't even hold his own head up to the little boy he is now. He is all over the place; he isn't still for a moment! He's pulling himself up on everyone and everything, he's a super fast crawler, he walks holding onto furniture and walls, he loves climbing stairs, he's just super active.
He really loves the water. He goes in the kiddie pool at daycare and we try to get him in the one we have at home as often as possible. We're on a wait list for swim class. He's also eating a lot more now - quantity and variety! He eats beans and rice at mexican restaurants and edamame when we go for sushi. I try to make a few meals each week that we can all eat. This past week he ate chicken cacciatore (with brown rice pasta instead of spaghetti since he's still on a wheat-free diet). I can't say he was the biggest fan, but he did eat some.

We went to the doctorMonday for a follow up about the asthma. He weighed in at a healthy 23 lbs, 5 oz. We've been doing his maintenance medicine twice a day and have virtually stopped having to give him the rescue medicine. We're now going to try lowering his medicine to once a day. We're hoping that in the next few months, we can stop the breathing treatments all together! Boy, would that be nice.

Also, he now has 5 teeth!

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