Happy Friday the 13th again! Joshua is now 7 months old. It's been a big month so I'll start at the beginning.
In mid Feb, Joshua got sick. He was wheezing and congested. We took him to urgent care and found out he had bronchitis/bronchiolitis and double ear infections. He had to do a nebulizer breathing treatment every 4-6 hours and was on antibiotics for the ear infections (and for just in case it turned to pneumonia). I think we saw were at the doctor's office 4 different times that week!

By Feb 23 he had basically recovered and had his 6 month appointment at which he weighed in at 19 lbs, 6 ozs and was 27 inches long. That put him in the 76th percentile in weight and 64th percentile in length. We got the go ahead to start foods with a few precautions: we are to wait a few days between starting new foods in case of a reaction and we are to avoid allergenic foods including berries, wheat and nuts. That evening Joshua had sweet potatoes and loved them! Since then he's had bananas, prunes (bananas weren't so great on his system!), peas, pears, and apples. His favorite is still sweet potatoes.

On March 6th he had his first airplane ride. We went to Las Vegas for Lisa's wedding. He did perfect on the flight. That night though he decided to scream his head off. With only a couple short breaks, he screamed from 10 pm until 5 am. He finally passed out. I had to get up 2 hours later for the wedding which left me feeling like a zombie. Saturday night he did much better and only screamed for an hour. He woke up multiple times but at least he went back to sleep. To make up for it, on Sunday night, back in his own bed, he slept for 12+ hours. We don't know what the problem was but don't plan on returning to Vegas any time soon!
I took him back to the doctor today because he is congested again. Turns out it's only upper respiratory and won't require the nebulizer, but he has ear infections again. He's also having a problem with ecxema and diaper rash. I was told that this could be caused by the sugars in fruit. I had already cut out bananas (due to digestive issues), prunes (since he is no longer eating bananas), and pears (he started those the day before Las Vegas and just in case they had anything to do with his freak out). I think we'll go back to just eating rice cereal and sweet potatoes for a couple days till things get better and start over with the solids. Oh and today he weighed 20 lbs, 15 ozs!