Happy Friday the 13th! Joshua is 6 months old today. He has had a big week! Last week he started waking up in the night again (sometimes twice) and just acted hungry all the time. After talking to the doctor, we decided to start the rice cereal in an attempt to get a good night's sleep. So, last Saturday, Joshua officially started solids! (If you can really call the mush that is rice cereal a solid, that is!) He's been eating cereal once a day so far and I think we'll up it to twice a day next week. When we go to the doctor for his 6 month appointment on the 23rd, we should be able to jump into fruits and vegetables, one at a time of course. 

Also this week, Joshua started daycare. He went on Tuesday and on Thursday. He seemed to have a good time. He slept through the night both nights, so I figure it wore him out! He'll continue to go two days a week for now. I'll still be taking him to work with me on Wed and Fri and Brian takes care of him on Mondays.
He seems to be teething really bad but a tooth has yet to make an appearance. I sure hope it does soon so he can go back to being his happy self.
We love him so much and are enjoying getting to know him even though he drives us bonkers at times. These 6 months have seemed to fly by on one hand while also seeming to drag on when he's screaming and being fussy. I'm looking forward to the next 6 months and all the exciting changes they will bring.

Also this week, Joshua started daycare. He went on Tuesday and on Thursday. He seemed to have a good time. He slept through the night both nights, so I figure it wore him out! He'll continue to go two days a week for now. I'll still be taking him to work with me on Wed and Fri and Brian takes care of him on Mondays.
He seems to be teething really bad but a tooth has yet to make an appearance. I sure hope it does soon so he can go back to being his happy self.
We love him so much and are enjoying getting to know him even though he drives us bonkers at times. These 6 months have seemed to fly by on one hand while also seeming to drag on when he's screaming and being fussy. I'm looking forward to the next 6 months and all the exciting changes they will bring.